Thursday 11 February 2016

New toy. PARKSIDE "dremel"

Went to Lidl yesterday and ran into this PARKSIDE version of Dremel multitool. First i was wondering that what kind of overpriced thing that is going to be before i looked up. 25€. First i was sure i saw price wrong or price for other product, but it was correct. 25€ for the tool, battery, charger and box of accessories. Not a bad price. For example only the battery for Dremel multitool costs 59€ at local store. Both of them have nearly same capacity 1300mAh and 1500mAh. (dremel also has 1300mAh 10.8V batteries for sale.) So only because of the battery the price is cheap as heck. I wonder how much profit does Lidl make with these.

So i had to get it. Good to have something Dremellike inside too when you need to drill holes to PCBs.

Box tells pretty much all the info you need.

So open the box and check what is inside. Battery comes pre attached to the tool and it's also pre charged. Accessories have their own neat plastic box.

Tool feels pretty sturdy. Doesn't make any unnecessary noises or bend too much when held in hand and used some force on. There is some imperfections on the edges of the plastic moldings of the frame and rubber hand piece but thats morly cosmetic problem.

Charger is typical brick transformer and a cup where you put yout battery to. There is two status led that tell what it's doing. Sadly they are on the bottom side of the charger so you need to flip it to know the status. Red: Charging. Green: Done.

Transformer is just  12.6V 450mAh. Total charging time about 3H.
According to the box there is 44 accessories. Did not count if that is right. Some of them were just bad so that they belong to trash straight from the box. Like the grinding stones are glued on the rods so they are not straight.

Also cylinderical milling tool bit was missing some tooth straight out of the box.

Nylon- and brass brushes felt ok. Cutting wheels work ok for example they can cut M3 screw without shattering. Even tho i have never liked these cutting wheels without the fibers.

 Sticker on the side of the tool shows known and bit new specs. Like max size for the shank and cut off wheel.

Sound of the tool also tells about the quality. Nothing even close to Dremel and it changes between speeds. (more sounds of vibration etc.) Tools like this won't have much torgue, you just go with high speeds to do the job. On 1st speed you can stop the tool with fingers and even at higher speeds it's easy to stop the tool when cutting metal. After that you need to turn off the tool and then back on to continue using it.
Tool seems to have ok tolerance and there is not much slack sideways. Tools spin nice and straight without shaking around.

As it is, in my opinion it's worth the price. Fitting much better for cutting, drilling or engraving soft materials like plastic, wood and PCB. Cannot say it works that well on metals.

Quick test on PCB. Removing the copper, engraving on it and making couple holes. About the engraving it's mostly my shaky hand that caused it to look like that.

Everybody can make their own conclusions what they think about the tool. Fits good on some uses and some not so well. And as always, can't beat 230V version. For little things it's ok tool.


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